AWE Core 8.D.10 Documentation



* AWECore Control Example
* ---------------------
* Description: AWECore Control Example
* This example shows how to load an .awb from an array, and then
* how to get/set module variables using the corresponding
* controlinterface header file and API's.
* The example will stream an audio file called in_s32_stereo.raw
* and write the processed output to out_s32_stereo.raw.
* This example meets all the conditions to achieve 0 blocks of
* latency in the AWE Core audio path. See the Latency section
* of the docs for more info.
* Copyright: (c) 2020 DSP Concepts, Inc. All rights reserved.
* 3235 Kifer Road
* Santa Clara, CA 95054-1527
#include <float.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "AWECore.h"
#include "Errors.h"
#include "TargetInfo.h"
#include "passthrough_InitAWB.h"
#include "passthrough_ControlInterface.h"
const char awbFilename[] = "../Designs/passthrough.awb";
const char inFilename[] = "../Audio/in_s32_stereo.raw"; // input audio file: stereo 32-bit fixed-point
const char outFilename[] = "../Audio/out_s32_stereo.raw"; // output audio file: stereo 32-bit fixed-point
// Global AWEInstance structure and pins
AWEInstance aweInstance;
static IOPinDescriptor aweInputPin;
static IOPinDescriptor aweOutputPin;
// LISTOFCLASSOBJECTS comes from ModuleList.h
const void* module_descriptor_table[] =
// Global heaps
// Packet buffer
// Input/output audio files and buffers
INT32 * inputBuffer, * outputBuffer;
FILE *fin;
FILE *fout;
// Floating-point comparison function used for verification
// Inspired by:
int awe_isNearlyEqual(float a, float b, float epsilon)
float absA = fabsf(a);
float absB = fabsf(b);
float diff = fabsf(a - b);
if (a == b) { // to handle infinities
return 1;
} else if (a == 0 || b == 0 || diff < FLT_MIN) {
// a or b is zero or both are extremely close to it
// relative error is less meaningful here
return diff < (epsilon * FLT_MIN);
} else { // use relative error
if ((absA + absB) < FLT_MAX)
return diff / (absA + absB) < epsilon;
return diff / FLT_MAX < epsilon;
void destroyExample()
inputBuffer = NULL;
outputBuffer = NULL;
void InitializeAWEInstance()
int ret;
UINT32 module_descriptor_table_size;
//set memory for awe instance and initialize to 0's
memset(&aweInstance, 0, sizeof(AWEInstance));
aweInstance.pInputPin = &aweInputPin;
aweInstance.pOutputPin = &aweOutputPin;
// No tuning interface in this example
aweInstance.pPacketBuffer = awePacketBuffer;
aweInstance.pReplyBuffer = awePacketBuffer;
aweInstance.packetBufferSize = MAX_COMMAND_BUFFER_LEN;
aweInstance.pModuleDescriptorTable = module_descriptor_table;
module_descriptor_table_size = sizeof(module_descriptor_table) / sizeof(module_descriptor_table[0]);
aweInstance.numModules = module_descriptor_table_size;
aweInstance.numThreads = 1;
aweInstance.sampleRate = SAMPLE_RATE;
aweInstance.fundamentalBlockSize = BASE_BLOCK_SIZE;
aweInstance.pFlashFileSystem = HAS_FLASHFILESYSTEM;
aweInstance.fastHeapASize = FASTA_HEAP_SIZE;
aweInstance.fastHeapBSize = FASTB_HEAP_SIZE;
aweInstance.slowHeapSize = SLOW_HEAP_SIZE;
aweInstance.pFastHeapA = fastHeapA;
aweInstance.pFastHeapB = fastHeapB;
aweInstance.pSlowHeap = slowHeap;
aweInstance.cbAudioStart = NULL;
aweInstance.cbAudioStop = NULL;
aweInstance.coreSpeed = CORE_SPEED;
aweInstance.profileSpeed = PROFILE_SPEED;
aweInstance.pName = NULL;
ret = awe_initPin(&aweInputPin, NUM_INPUT_CHANNELS, NULL);
if (ret != 0)
printf("awe_initPin inputPin failed\n");
ret = awe_initPin(&aweOutputPin, NUM_OUTPUT_CHANNELS, NULL);
if (ret != 0)
printf("awe_initPin outputPin failed\n");
ret = awe_init(&aweInstance);
if (ret != 0)
printf("awe_init failed\n");
// Enable profiling (by default this is the case, but just called here to demonstrate usage)
ret = awe_setProfilingStatus(&aweInstance, 1);
if (ret != 0)
printf("awe_setProfilingStatus failed\n");
int main() {
INT32 ret = 0;
UINT32 position;
UINT32 layoutInChannels, layoutOutChannels, layoutBlockSize;
const INT32 inputChannels = 2;
const INT32 outputChannels = 2;
UINT32 inSize, outSize;
// Load the .awb from C array
ret = awe_loadAWBfromArray(&aweInstance, Core0_InitCommands, Core0_InitCommands_Len, &position);
if (ret != E_SUCCESS)
printf("Error loading AWB from array: error = %d, at offset %u\n", ret, position);
ret = awe_layoutIsValid(&aweInstance);
if (ret != 1)
printf("Error: Loaded layout is not valid: error = %d\n", ret);
ret = awe_audioIsStarted(&aweInstance);
if (ret != 1)
printf("Error: Audio not started: error = %d\n", ret);
// Get the layout I/O configuration
// Input and output blocksizes must be the same
//NOTE: Because there can only be one input pin and one output pin, all API's that take the argument "pinIdx" will always pass in 0. This is demonstrated in the function calls below.
awe_layoutGetChannelCount(&aweInstance, 0, &layoutInChannels, &layoutOutChannels);
ret = awe_layoutGetInputBlockSize(&aweInstance, 0, &layoutBlockSize);
if (ret != E_SUCCESS)
printf("Error: GetBlockSize failed: error = %d\n", ret);
printf("Layout loaded with inputChannels=%u, outputChannels=%u, blockSize=%u\n", layoutInChannels, layoutOutChannels, layoutBlockSize);
// Prepare the stereo input and output buffers, and open files
inSize = inputChannels * layoutBlockSize;
outSize = outputChannels * layoutBlockSize;
inputBuffer = malloc(inSize * sizeof(INT32));
outputBuffer = malloc(outSize * sizeof(INT32));
fin = fopen(inFilename, "rb");
if (fin == NULL)
printf("Error opening file %s\n", inFilename);
fout = fopen(outFilename, "wb");
if (fout == NULL)
printf("Error opening file %s\n", outFilename);
// Set Scaler1 gain attributes
float scaler1Gain;
float scaler1TargetGain;
float meter1Values[AWE_Meter1_value_SIZE];
long count = 0;
int numSamplesRead = 0;
UINT32 classId;
//NOTE: All handles, IDs, and sizes that are passed into the ctrl interface API functions are found in the example ControlInterface header file "passthrough_ControlInterface.h"
// Check that the layout has the correct control modules in it
int moduleFound = 0;
if (awe_ctrlGetModuleClass(&aweInstance, AWE_Scaler1_gain_HANDLE, &classId) == E_SUCCESS)
// Check that module assigned this object ID is of module class SinkInt
if (classId == AWE_Scaler1_classID)
moduleFound = 1;
if (!moduleFound)
printf("Error: Scaler1 module not found in layout\n");
if (awe_ctrlGetModuleClass(&aweInstance, AWE_Meter1_value_HANDLE, &classId) == E_SUCCESS)
// Check that module assigned this object ID is of module class SinkInt
if (classId == AWE_Meter1_classID)
moduleFound = 1;
if (!moduleFound)
printf("Error: Meter1 module not found in layout\n");
// Set the gain to -10 dB
scaler1Gain = -10.0;
ret = awe_ctrlSetValue(&aweInstance, AWE_Scaler1_gain_HANDLE, (const void *)&scaler1Gain, 0, AWE_Scaler1_gain_SIZE);
printf("SetValue: scaler1Gain = %f, error = %d\n", scaler1Gain, ret);
ret = awe_ctrlGetValue(&aweInstance, AWE_Scaler1_gain_HANDLE, &scaler1Gain, 0, AWE_Scaler1_gain_SIZE);
printf("GetValue: scaler1Gain = %f, error = %d\n", scaler1Gain, ret);
ret = awe_ctrlGetValue(&aweInstance, AWE_Scaler1_targetGain_HANDLE, &scaler1TargetGain, 0, AWE_Scaler1_targetGain_SIZE);
printf("GetValue: scalerTarget1Gain = %f, error = %d\n", scaler1TargetGain, ret);
// Process the input data
printf("\nStarting to process [%s] into [%s]\n\n", inFilename, outFilename);
while ((numSamplesRead = fread(inputBuffer, sizeof(int), inSize, fin)) > 0)
INT32 i, j;
INT32 numOutFrames;
UINT32 pumpMask;
// Import and export samples for each channel in I/O files
for (i = 0; i < inputChannels; i++)
ret = awe_audioImportSamples(&aweInstance, inputBuffer + i, inputChannels, i, Sample32bit);
if (ret != E_SUCCESS)
printf("Error: audio import failed: error = %d\n", ret);
// Only one layout in this example, so only bother checking for that field of the pump mask
pumpMask = awe_audioGetPumpMask(&aweInstance);
if (pumpMask & 1U)
// Pump the layout if ready
ret = awe_audioPump(&aweInstance, 0);
if (ret != E_SUCCESS)
printf("Error: audio pump failed: layout=%d, error=%d\n", 0, ret);
for (i = 0; i < outputChannels; i++)
ret = awe_audioExportSamples(&aweInstance, outputBuffer + i, outputChannels, i, Sample32bit);
if (ret != E_SUCCESS)
printf("Error: audio export failed: error = %d\n", ret);
// Print the Meter1 value every 1024 pump cycles
if ((count % 1024) == 0)
ret = awe_ctrlGetValue(&aweInstance, AWE_Meter1_value_HANDLE, &meter1Values, 0, AWE_Meter1_value_SIZE);
printf("GetValue: meter1Value = %f, error = %d\n", meter1Values[0], ret);
fwrite(outputBuffer, sizeof(int), outSize, fout);
// Perform inline verification
// Channel 1 is expected to be attenuated by -10 dB
// Channel 2 is expected to be passed through without modification
#define EPSILON 0.1f
numOutFrames = numSamplesRead / outputChannels;
for (j = 0; j < numOutFrames; j++) {
float expectedValueChannel1 = powf(10.0, scaler1Gain / 20.0) * (float)inputBuffer[inputChannels * j];
float expectedValueChannel2 = (float)inputBuffer[inputChannels * j + 1];
if (awe_isNearlyEqual(expectedValueChannel1, (float)outputBuffer[outputChannels * j], EPSILON) == 0) {
printf("Verification error. Expected %f on channel 1 but got %f, sample %d\n", expectedValueChannel1,
(float)outputBuffer[outputChannels * j], j);
if (awe_isNearlyEqual(expectedValueChannel2, (float)outputBuffer[outputChannels * j + 1], EPSILON) == 0) {
printf("Verification error. Expected %f on channel 2 but got %f\n, sample %d\n", expectedValueChannel2,
(float)outputBuffer[outputChannels * j + 1], j);
// There is no latency through the audio pump
ret = awe_ctrlGetValue(&aweInstance, AWE_Scaler1_gain_HANDLE, &scaler1Gain, 0, AWE_Scaler1_gain_SIZE);
printf("GetValue: scaler1Gain = %f, error = %d\n", scaler1Gain, ret);
ret = awe_ctrlGetValue(&aweInstance, AWE_Scaler1_targetGain_HANDLE, &scaler1TargetGain, 0, AWE_Scaler1_targetGain_SIZE);
printf("GetValue: scalerTarget1Gain = %f, error = %d\n", scaler1TargetGain, ret);
// Clean up
return 0;
The AWECore API Header File.
INT32 awe_initPin(IOPinDescriptor *pPin, UINT32 channels, const char *name)
Initialize an input or output pin.
INT32 awe_ctrlSetValue(const AWEInstance *pAWE, UINT32 handle, const void *value, INT32 arrayOffset, UINT32 length)
Set a scalar or array value of a module variable by handle.
INT32 awe_audioPump(AWEInstance *pAWE, UINT32 layoutIndex)
Audio pump function.
void awe_layoutGetChannelCount(const AWEInstance *pAWE, UINT32 pinIdx, UINT32 *inCount, UINT32 *outCount)
Returns the number of channels in the Layout's input and output pins.
INT32 awe_audioImportSamples(const AWEInstance *pAWE, const void *inSamples, INT32 inStride, INT32 channel, SampleType inType)
Import samples from a user buffer to a channel.
INT32 awe_layoutIsValid(const AWEInstance *pAWE)
Determines if a layout is loaded and valid.
INT32 awe_ctrlGetValue(const AWEInstance *pAWE, UINT32 handle, void *value, INT32 arrayOffset, UINT32 length)
Get a scalar or array value of a module variable by handle.
INT32 awe_loadAWBfromArray(AWEInstance *pAWE, const UINT32 *pCommands, UINT32 arraySize, UINT32 *pPos)
Executes packet commands from an in-memory array.
INT32 awe_audioExportSamples(const AWEInstance *pAWE, void *outSamples, INT32 outStride, INT32 channel, SampleType outType)
Export samples to a user buffer from a channel.
INT32 awe_audioGetPumpMask(AWEInstance *pAWE)
Test if AWE is ready to run.
INT32 awe_setProfilingStatus(AWEInstance *pAWE, UINT32 status)
Enable or disable the profiling ability of the AWE Core.
INT32 awe_init(AWEInstance *pAWE)
Initialize the instance.
INT32 awe_layoutGetInputBlockSize(const AWEInstance *pAWE, UINT32 pinIdx, UINT32 *blockSize)
Returns the block size of a pin.
INT32 awe_ctrlGetModuleClass(const AWEInstance *pAWE, UINT32 handle, UINT32 *pClassID)
Get an object class from its handle.
INT32 awe_audioIsStarted(const AWEInstance *pAWE)
Check if this instance is running.
A list of all possible Audio Weaver errors and their IDs.
#define E_SUCCESS
OK result.
Definition: Errors.h:31
@ Sample32bit
Data is 32 bit PCM .
Definition: StandardDefs.h:231
The AWE instance.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:82
IOPinDescriptor * pInputPin
A BSP author must define/allocate an input pin in their BSP and assign it to this member NOTE: AudioW...
Definition: AWEInstance.h:146
const char * pName
The name of the AWE Instance that will be displayed in Server.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:215
float profileSpeed
Profiling clock speed in Hz.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:207
UINT32 * pReplyBuffer
Reply buffer pointer.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:189
UINT32 * pFastHeapB
The second fast heap, B .
Definition: AWEInstance.h:94
UINT32 numThreads
Number of threads supported for multithreaded systems(1-4).
Definition: AWEInstance.h:219
IOPinDescriptor * pOutputPin
A BSP author must define/allocate an output pin in their BSP and assign it to this member NOTE: Audio...
Definition: AWEInstance.h:152
UINT32 * pPacketBuffer
The Packet buffer pointer.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:180
INT32(* cbAudioStart)(struct _AWEInstance *PAWE)
OPTIONAL This callback is invoked when a layout is run or when a StartAudio command is sent.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:116
INT32(* cbAudioStop)(struct _AWEInstance *pAWE)
Definition: AWEInstance.h:122
UINT32 slowHeapSize
The slow heap size.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:108
UINT32 fundamentalBlockSize
Base frame size of this instance.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:226
UINT32 * pSlowHeap
The slow heap.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:97
float sampleRate
Default sample rate of this instance.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:222
UINT32 packetBufferSize
Packet buffer size.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:196
UINT32 fastHeapBSize
The fast heap B size.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:105
AWEFlashFSInstance * pFlashFileSystem
DSPC Flash file system instance.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:231
float coreSpeed
A BSP author will set this to the speed of the CPU they are integrating into.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:204
UINT32 numModules
Number of modules in module table.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:162
const ModClassModule ** pModuleDescriptorTable
Pointer to module table.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:170
UINT32 fastHeapASize
The fast heap A size in 32-bit words.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:102
UINT32 * pFastHeapA
Fast heap A.
Definition: AWEInstance.h:91